Thursday, May 27, 2010

slavesinger for the sickest mob in history

All that work all the time planning work

I'm dying

no one wants to know or hear anything who cares

start with the biggest stars in Hollywood who have all my original songs i created and they plagiarized me verbatim unaltered as is and I'm tossed in the gutter by filthy murderers in my family who helped mafia hand everyone my words

I'm finished off dying

i see victims whacked and I'm a no one


what the hell am i gonna do to survive

we me and you

mom the first they banished from my life

i want payback i want my life back

I'm dying no kidding in the shitty gutter

cant be cant let it go

i will never ever let anything go

but I'm really dying here like this

nothing no one left

I'm dead

i cant let any of them get away


Saturday, May 22, 2010

"slavesinger" ...what happened there?!

dad ;financial hostage girlfriends(wittnesses )and me in one on one conversations
the situation as usual
me being passed property ;property clusters; gifts ,and, making hit songs ,under the table.
MOM GONE(what happened there....

reminds me of a couple of enlightening conversations
with dad
then similar conversations with a long lost wittness and survivor.....only a decade apart
same line conversation

ME;HEY--WHAT HAPPENED THERE? where is the gold steeple again ,on the baptist church?
what happened there?
and hey....
what happened to the huge church bell too1?
i thot they just replaced it!


what happened there?

DAD:they're remodeling ....

ME; ya rite ,
not unlike what you say and what ILLUSTRIOUS inlaws and my loving sister and brother always tell you to tell me
and ,I lose everything! it will take some time cuz they're remodling.(doing ANOTHER me a favor)

DAD:-SO ok -they're not squatting ;
no one stole your house?!;
they're remodeling!

ME: SO ....
everytime I get ripped off by family and their pals ;
picked clean so to speak
of property

they're remodeling....

ME; it's always
what happened there
and they're just remodling

ME:so dad--
whats the news on my house now?

whats the progress?!!!!!

DAD:the news is ....

,Linda ,Camile ,rather ,.....
having a baby .....
and ,
ten yrs later
a survivor family hostage says to me ....

linda, Cathy Rather ,
have their own house !(REMEMBER THAT);
and they are
secretly building a brand new house

rite next door

to their house,now,
but ....
its a secret

and they're remodling ,
if you get my drift
and you keep your mouth shut.
ME: so what happened there-the secret mahogany house they secretly own and built next door is still completly new and completely empty now
cuz its a secret? !

what happenes there?
and dont tell me Linda cathy rather is gonna have a baby too?
oh well....
there's no asking what happened there
special add-notes:*katey perry ,and that number one hit called :alien, or something mine ....verbatim ,so i got plagiarized ,and, they did'nt use it ,till some time later -wh/ is not the usual, but, i'm on very much dead on skid row ,so ....what happended there? ,my winner family= dirty cops =connected to mob Bulger, siblings sadistic and oh so very jelous and ,=violent stalkers ,(wonder what happened to my six million dollar jersey girlfriend mysteriously secretly kidnapped="family hostage"???? )no fbi yet- no attorney at all to this day.sibling family still taking off, w/ my property ,and, inheritance- burrying some "hostage" female as my mom ,in 2008, in secret,w/out me of course ,so what happened there? life not worth living when youre stuck in this,no independence,no possible way out, just taking head counts -watching one after another- taken out ,stuck ,w/ no one in the streets over a decade ,what happened there? no "image"/looks- no plastic surgery ,what would you or my family look like rite now ,in the streets a decade ,no money -no one allowed 2 b ,w/ me ,or they end up dead ,and the latest vicitm in revere 'ruby kraft' used to work for the pentagon washing d.c.=dead august 2011= no cancer .she was abused ;in derilict revere beach area seeing me!face scrapes all over ,and here's a mystery : amy whinehouse ,i sware was in revere,ma wonderland, just a day or 2 b4 her death? so....what happened to the 35 million dollars she got off 'back in black' all mine;hits all ripped off me -as - is -verbatim=100% plagiarized? what happened to all the plagiarized millions? what happened there,?and, y revere?=family rackets ?run for over 4 decades in revere to the revere marsh area dumping grounds-where you get processed into garbage and die as "garbage" -"a loose end".what-ever happened there?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

number one hit songs

what do i get everytime i try to solidly handle MY situation
of being massively plagiarized
and people offed
and pushed into EARLY GRAVES
rite into the gutter ,
by jelous siblings
who used illegal wire tapping
to ripp me off
of my ALL MY songs; fame and fortune ,
and then...
THE LYING BUMS shell me out as a NUTCASE -loser ,
ON RECORD RITE into the gutter
my so called sibling family
who are the principles in this collossal crime
who lost everything i made
and who helpled devious typical hollywood
take off with everything i did
and accomplised
to date ,
im laffed at for churning out rolls and rolls of almost all number one hit songs ,for almost forty consequtive years
making the- top multi-milliondollar timelss pricelss award winning hit songs ....
i get this.....
" let it go "
when did this happen?"
everybody dies...forget about it got to move on with your life"
i think you need a lawyer,
i hope you dont talk to anyone else about this
did you speak to a professional?
i know a professional who will help you forget all about this
let it all go
what proof do you have?
you need to see a shrink
you shouldnt be so upset and
who else did you tell this story to?
but you have to just let it go


OH ...when did that happen

you got to forget about it

what proof do you have

you need to let it go
just let it go

oh people die --theyre dead now --forget about it....
just let it all go
i think you need a lawyer
did you talk to anyone else about this?
whens the last time you talked to your family???????

oh....LET IT GO
forget about it
when did that happen
you need a lawyer
dont tell anyone else
maybe you need a professional
bad things happen to people all the time
YA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!